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We have been in the business of supplying tools to industry since 1981. In that year, The Spoilage Cutter Company was incorporated in Wisconsin to sell a patented safety cutter to remove the outside layers of film or paper from a roll. This tool was called the Zepher Model 102. A few years later, a larger tool for the same purpose was developed, the Zepher 105. Then, in the early 90's we started importing several safety tools from the Martor Company in Solingen Germany for resale to our customers. Because of the increasing demand for these tools and our growing sales of these products here in the U.S., we were awarded exclusive representation status in 1995. Early in 1999, we changed the name of our Company to Martor USA, Division of The Spoilage Cutter Co., Inc. due to the further expansion of our sales of this unique line of outstanding products from Martor Solingen.
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One of Martor’s Smart Knife safety cutters. A safety spring provides for automatic blade "shoot-back" into the handle in response to any uncontrolled movement - even with thumb on the slide. It is des More Information
Source : Vendor Website
Category : Dismantlement > Non-Mechanical Cutting Equipment > Safety Cutters