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Niton produces handheld x-ray fluorescence (XRF) analyzers which are used for analysis and identification of metal alloys. Some of the products offered are XL2 series analyzers, XL2 goldd, XL3t series analyzers, XL3t gold+, XL3p series analyzers, FXL series, XLp and Xli. Thermo Scientific Niton XRF analyzers provide real-time on-site analysis and testing results. In addition they also provide products for mining and exploration, RoHS compliance, environmental analysis, lead paint inspection and art and archaeometry. Technical support and repair, training and licensing are some of the services provided.
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The Niton 700 series analyzer uses X-ray fluorescence (XRF) spectrum analysis to identify and quantify elements in metal and then compares the readings to a built-in library to determine the alloy. Th More Information
Source : Idaho National Engineering And Environmental Lab
Category : Characterization > Sampling & Analysis Equipments > Analysis Equipment
The NITON O XL-800 Series Multi-Element Analyzer uses X-ray fluorescence (XRF) spectrum analysis to identify and quantify elements in metal and then compares the readings to a built-in library to dete More Information