Surveillance and Measurement System (SAMS)
Category: Characterization > Monitors > Multipurpose Detectors
Reference # : OST No 2977, DOE/EM-0586 Model No : SAMS
The Surveillance and Measurement System (SAM) Model 935, which was used in this demonstration, uses a thallium-activated sodium iodide ((Th)NaI) detector to provide the isotopic identification capability in a hand-held survey instrument. The system was used to make real-time onsite isotopic radiation measurements. The SAM Model 935Ýs time slicing, data compression technique results in shorter acquisition times, accurate isotopic identification, and spectroscopic capabilities. Quadratic Compression Conversion is a data compression technique used to enhance the algorithm, allowing the operators to identify multiple isotopes in one-second intervals. The system can detect up to 70 nuclides using an internal library of nuclides, which is expandable to 95 nuclides and has an optional neutron detector. In this demonstration the optional neutron detector was not used. The basic Model 935 comes with an internal 1.5 by 2-inch (Th)NaI crystal. Two other sizes (2 x 2-inch and 3 x 3- inch) are also available. The particular model used in this demonstration contained the 3 x 3-inch crystal and costs approximately $10,500. The basic model with the 1.5 x 2 inch crystal costs $7,850. Weight of technology is about 5lbs. and is easily to operate.
· Provides instant results thus expediting D&D schedules
· Fewer samples will be required to be sent to a laboratory for analysis
· Significant reduction in worker exposure
· Once paid for, the SAMS will save $150 per sample over laboratory analysis
· Increase waste minimization efforts
· SAMS provides isotopic information that baseline handheld detectors cannot
There were no significant technology limitations.
The performance of the SAMS could be enhanced by creating a user-friendly software that will allow for an
easier download process to a personal computer.
Surveillance and Measurement System (SAM) model 935