Mobile Integrated Temporary Utility System
Category: Worker Health & Safety > Engineering Controls > Lights & Power
Reference # : OST No 1795 , DOE/EM-0400 Model No : MITUS
The Mobile Integrated Temporary Utility System (MITUS) integrates portable electrical power along with communications and emergency alarm and lighting capabilities to provide safe, centralized power to work areas that need to be de-energized for decommissioning work. MITUS consists of a portable unit substation; up to twenty portable kiosks that house the power receptacles, communications, and emergency alarm and lighting systems; and a central communications unit. This system makes sequential decommissioning efforts efficient
and cost-effective by allowing the integrated system to remain intact while being moved to subsequent work sites. Use of the MITUS also eliminates the need to conduct zero-energy tests and implement associated lock-out/ tag-out procedures at partially de-energized facilities. Since the MITUS is a designed system, it can be customized to accommodate unique facility conditions simply by varying kiosks and transformer configurations. The MITUS is an attractive alternative to the use of portable generators with stand-alone communications and
emergency system. It is more cost-effective than upgrading or reconfiguring existing power distribution systems.
MITUS is a mobile temporary power supply and communications
system is configured with a trailer-mounted unit substation, up to twenty moveable kiosks, and a central communications unit and has been successfully deployed since March 1997 at a work area of over 5480 square meters (59,000 square feet). The unit substation includes a disconnect switch, transformer, and switchgear. Kiosks can be configured to meet specific plant utility output and configuration needs. Each kiosk is equipped with a power receptacle center, paging/ communications/alarm center, and emergency pack lighting. Cables connect the kiosks to the unit substation. Central communications are housed with an uninterruptible power supply in the communications shed.
Dimensions of Tech Model (LxWxH):
Weight of Tech Model (lb):
Benefits are in the areas of safety, efficiency of D&D work, power to match field needs, clear quick communication from Kiosk to Kiosk, quick communication from Kiosks to the central station, and quick response to emergencies.
This MITUS technology allows the complete deenergization of existing building power once the MITUS is on line for a reactor. Such complete deenergization allows D&D work to continue unhampered by constraints of local area deactivation and extended zero energy checks.
A further advantage of this technology is the versatility of the power, communication, and alarming system. The power can be moved from place to place; the flexible cables connecting the Kiosks to the unit substation allow free movement of the Kiosks.
The use of paging and party lines allows very efficient flow of information, directives, and requests for materials regardless of the location of the Kiosk. Three separate alarms alert each Kiosk and the central station cabinet by both color-coded lights and a tone horn. These alarm conditions are: evacuate, alert, and
medical. Each Kiosk has paging capabilities, color-coded alarm lights, and a horn with a distinct tone for each alarm condition.
The MITUS is very flexible in supplying power, communications, and emergency lighting to any part of the
building, so no additional flexibility is required.
Portable trailer-mounted Unit Substation.
Portable kiosk.