Saturn™ TLD Ring
Category: Characterization > Monitors > Radiation Monitors
Reference # : Model No :
Landauer’s ring dosimetry service provides comprehensive extremity
radiation monitoring for workers required to manually manipulate
or work in close proximity to radioactive materials and radiation
producing equipment. The Saturn™ TLD Ring is a new extremity
dosimeter introduced as an improved alternative to the standard TLD
ring dosimeter. The Saturn Ring measures exposure due to x, beta, and gamma radiation with thermoluminescent technology. The TLD is the highest efficiency dosimeter of 100% TL grade lithium fluoride, with no binder.
• Flexible fit for comfort
• A more precise reading - minimum reportable
dose of 10 mrem
• A more hygienic ring
• 2D Barcode for easy
scanning into
Configuration Options
Rings are available in two adjustable
sizes small/medium and large
to comfortably fit any user. The
ring base colors are completely
configurable down to the individual
level and available colors are blue,
green, and orange.