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Technology Factsheet
Category: Characterization > Monitors > Multipurpose Detectors Reference # : OST #1810, DOE/EM-0425 Model No :
The Pipe Crawler consists of a high-resolution color camera placed on the end of a cable (which is coupled to a monitor and VCR) and multiple radiological detectors connected to an Eberline ESP-2 ratemeter. The crawler/detector is manipulated manually through the pipe using fish tape and a fiberglass rod and reel. This technology was investigated as a means of allowing the visual inspection of the inside of process piping to determine if it meets the criteria to be disposed of in the FEMP’s OSDF. The Pipe Crawler also provides radiological measurement of contamination inside the pipe.
In-situ pipe inspections eliminated the need for pipe dismantlement and may allow for unrestricted release or reuse. Accurate and reliable surveying tool
The Pipe Crawler performed with only minor technical or mechanical problems during the demonstration (the lights on the camera went off on several occasions). The needs for future development include a more rugged and less fragile design of the crawler, a more flexible cable, and a remote control camera focus. A possible improvement for operating the system is for the camera operator to also be able to see the video screen as he moves the camera. This eliminates the inefficiency of the video console operator giving verbal directions to the camera operator for camera movement.