Solid-Liquid Interface Monitor (SLIM)
Category: Robotics > Characterization and Inspection > Other
Reference # : Model No :
This technology is a sonar-based solid-liquid interface monitor (SLIM) that is capable of withstanding high-level radiation and highly caustic solutions (pH>14). The monitor is designed to be deployed through a 4-inch riser at the top of a high-level waste tank and can operate in the liquid waste, 2 feet or more above the settled solids layer to identify the average interface elevation integrated over an area of at least 5 square feet. The high-resolution profiling sonar provides a 3-dimensional map of the surrounding environment with a resolution of 15 millimeter at 1 meter.
Improves HLW retrieval efficiency. Assists in maximizing the utilization of available tank space in the double-shell receiver tanks. Protects workers and minimize dose by remote operation of monitoring activities. Reduces environmental risk by ensuring that HLW tanks are not overfilled.
This technology was developed and tested at the Applied Research Center at FIU; it has not been deployed in a radioactive environment at a DOE facility.