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Technology Factsheet

In-Line Solids Monitor (ILSM) for HLW

Category: Robotics > Characterization and Inspection > Other
Reference # : Model No :

This proprietary in-line high-level waste monitoring system is designed to measure the percent solids by weight entrained in two-phase fluids. Measuring percent solids by weight is a critical step in preventing plugging during high-level waste transfer, and this technology provides a technology solution where no previous commercial technologies existed.

ARC at FIU designed, fabricated and tested a real-time and online particulate concentration monitor that uses two Coriolis flowmeters and a crossflow filter. The In-Line Slurry Monitor (ILSM) is capable of providing online, real-time measurement of particulate concentrations in liquid-solid slurries, despite dynamic disturbances. The ILSM design focused on providing a monitor that could be connected inside the transfer line jumper pits; the ILSM can provide the necessary connections and containment to perform monitoring inside the pit.


Increased accuracy in estimating the amount of solids transferred, satisfying Hanford's requirement of monitoring the total solids transferred through cross-site transfer lines. The ILSM can assist site engineers by providing more detailed characterization of the waste slurry prior to transport of the tank waste: reducing the risk of plugging in pumps and pipelines, reducing cost associated with repair, and reducing the risk of hazardous exposure to site personnel and the environment.


This technology was designed, developed, and tested at the Applied Research Center at FIU. It has not been deployed in a radioactive environment at a DOE facility.




