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Technology Factsheet

Multipurpose All-Terrain Robotic Platform

Category: Robotics > Characterization and Inspection > Other
Reference # : Model No :

This technology is a robotic platform, under development and testing at Florida International University’s Applied Research Center (FIU ARC), for inspection and deployment in high-level waste (HLW) tasks for utilization at the Department of Energy Office of Environmental Management (DOE-EM) and the Department of Defense (DoD).

The platform works wirelessly over 2.4GHz frequency and utilizes an Intel Edison Compute Module for communication. Currently, this platform has two prototypes (Raspberry and Edison), using a Raspberry PiII and an Intel Edison Module, respectively.

The power and control systems of this robot have been performance-tested at FIU. The development of a robotic arm is envisioned as a future addition.


Multipurpose robot to traverse adverse radiological environments for DOE EM.


This technology is in the design and development stage at FIU.




