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Technology Factsheet

ORION ScanPlot

Category: Characterization > Sampling & Analysis Equipments > Analysis Equipment
Reference # : Model No :

ORION ScanPlot technology is a mobile system that performs surface and shallow-depth radiological examination and characterization of open land. It provides instant output in a customizable GIS report format and delivers spatially precise maps with plotted locations of detected radioactivity, including concentrations of each radioactive isotope detected and measured.

Technologies unique to the ScanPlot technology include custom scanners and detectors, and monitoring and reporting software. ScanPlot can be configured as man-portable, towable or self-propelled.

Depending upon its configuration and the detection criteria, the ScanPlot technology can examine up to 20 acres of open land per day.

ScanPlot produces data of Final Status Survey Quality, which has been accepted by the US Nuclear Regulatory Commission, US Army Corps of Engineers, US Environmental Protection Agency and various state regulating agencies. The technology can be deployed worldwide and it has successfully been used in North America, Europe and Asia.


• 100% assay of land by lab-quality gamma spectroscopy
• All-weather scanning and mapping
• Difficult terrain traversing
• Fast survey and data processing
• Subtraction of typical background isotopes for more accurate results





