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Technology Factsheet

Nochar Petrobond Absorbent PolymerTritiated Oil Solidification

Category: Waste Management > Waste Treatment > Solidification
Reference # : OST/TMS No 2313, DOE/EM-0598 Model No :

The Nochar PetroBond ® polymer is a polymer solidifying agent marketed by the Nochar, Incorporated of Indianapolis, Indiana, which has extensive experience in oil handling and spill operations. Its products are accepted in many countries around the world and are used extensively throughout the United States. Nochar PetroBond ® polymer crystals have been found to be nontoxic, non-biodegradable, and incinerable to less than 0.02% ash and have an absorbent capacity of up to 15:1 (oil–to–solidification agent ratio by weight). The product initiates a mechanical process by which the oily waste or lubricant undergoes polymerization, locking up the waste material in the matrix of the crystals. The TCLP analysis of treated material to date has shown it to be effective at producing acceptable results in meeting burial site waste acceptance criteria. Nochar PetroBond ® products are normally shipped and marketed in 4-pound shaker containers and 40-pound fiber drums. For large commercial jobs, the product could potentially be shipped in 1000-pound containers or larger. On small quantities, the purchase price is calculated by the pound and can range as high as $18.65 per pound and as low as $4.53 per pound for more generic products. The company also has the capability of loading designated shipping containers, drums, or liners at the factory for a specific cost-per-container handling charge, thus eliminating costly handling and loading of disposal containers at the site.


A single step process - does not require mixing. Minimizes processing times by reducing handling, and having minimal setup times. Reduces worker exposure (ALARA). Increases productivity & improved project schedule. Provides an overall cost savings for treatment and disposal of tritiated oil. Specific “custom” formulas easily developed. Disposal / Shipping container can be preloaded with Petro Bond ® at the factory. Virtually no processing equipment required.


Few negative issues were identified in evaluating this innovative technology and comparing it to any baseline technologies that show some promise of feasibility. Some limitations that were identified included the following: Familiarization training of the various Nochar formulas (i.e., mixtures of polymers) is required. Due to complex oil-liquid “mixtures” usually found in waste reservoirs, use of the product requires oversight and control by a knowledgeable technician. This technology could entail some concerns regarding non-radioactive airborne material in the handling of the dry product in large quantities, as given on the material safety data sheets (Brunkow 2000) for the products. The product requires a primer or catalyst composed of a flammable volatile liquid. The technology will not solidify oils with detergent additives. The technology will not produce a hard or concrete-like solid consistency, if that is what is needed as the final product or to meet burial site waste acceptance criteria. Using high levels (i.e., >50 ppm mercury) of heavy metals may result in a final solidified product that exceeds TCLP requirements.





