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Technology Factsheet
Category: Characterization > Monitors > Radiation Monitors Reference # : Model No : 4906
The model 4906-series are low-cost, industrial duty, alpha and alpha/beta contamination monitoring systems for checking personnel hands and feet. A large color, touch-screen LCD presents users with the system status and points out any potential contamination. The system employs six proportional detectors with counting activated by optical switches. Alarms are annunciated locally and can be augmented with optional relays and/or a light stack. The built-in Ethernet interface supports connection to a network for gathering all count cycles and remote monitoring of the status. All maintenance can be performed from the front of the instrument. Detector access for quick replacement or repair is facilitated by hinged top covers. Model 4906A - alpha only Model 4906AB - alpha/beta The M4901P unit is intended for use as a medium-level beta and gamma contamination monitor. Four count channels are in the standard configuration for monitoring the palm of each hand and the sole of each shoe. The Model 490lP employs a total of twenty-two pancake Geiger-Mueller (GM) type detectors, five in each hand detector (palm side only) and six in each foot detector. LED indicators show status and alarm location. The personnel portal model 53 is a highly sensitive system to detect gamma radiation in or on personnel passing through the portal from either direction. It utilizes eight large plastic scintillation detectors, and is shielded with either the standard 2.5 cm (1 in.) or optional 5 cm (2 in.) of lead. A user-friendly interface guides personnel through the portal monitor via automated voice prompts (customized to any language), and is accompanied with color LCD articulating screens presenting the instrument readiness and status at the ingress and egress.