The H3D M400
Category: Characterization > Utilities Identification > Electromagnetic
Reference # : Model No : M400
The H3D® M400 was developed as an identification and quantification solution to meet any customer's application. It is a single module containing everything needed for high-resolution spectroscopy—perfect for integrating into custom projects.
•Highest product mass-to-volume efficiency.
•Near-HPGe energy resolution at room temperature.
•Compact size.
•Real-time spectroscopy, ID, and imaging.
•Unmanned vehicle-mounted characterization.
•High-sensitivity tiling.
•OEM integration.
•Energy Resolution:
=1.1% FWHM at 662 keV (coincident interactions combined)
=0.9% FWHM at 662 keV (coincident interactions separated)
•Sensitivity: Detects 10-µCi 137Cs at 1 m (~3 µR/hr) in < 22 s (in natural background).
•Spectroscopy Range:50 keV to 3 MeV.
•Crystal Volume:>19 cm3CZT (CdZnTe).
•Anode Pixelation:4 x 11 x 11.
•Spatial Resolution:<0.5 mm (=140 keV).
•Count-Rate Limit:0.5 rem/hr(5 mSv/hr) bare-137Cs equivalent.
75 kcpsat <0.5-mm spatial resolution
150 kcpsat <2-mm spatial resolution
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