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Technology Factsheet
Category: Characterization > Monitors > Radiation Monitors Reference # : Model No : 907
The palmRAD 907 nuclear radiation meter provides multiple monitoring and surveying options in an easy-to-use handheld device. It measures alpha, beta, gamma and x-ray radiation which can be displayed in rates and total counts. The user can switch between mR/hr, Svi cpm and total counts. There is a digital display of the selected mode and three other types of indicators - a LED indicator, an audio alarm and an audio chirp. The LED flashes with each count. The palmRAD 907 has a user adjustable alarm threshold. When the selected level has been exceeded, the powerful audio alarm will sound.
1) Low Cost. 2) Easy to Use Alarm for Emergency Responders. 3) Long Calibration Interval. 4) Rugged Enclosure (Stainless Steel). 5) Immune to Radio Frequency Interference.