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Technology Factsheet

Tunable True Zero-Order Waveplates with Quarter-Wave & Half-Wave Phase Retardation

Category: Robotics > Other > Other
Reference # : Model No :

A novel type of phase retardation plates (wave plates) representing a breakthrough in light polarization measurement and control is now commercially available. The UVIR type plate can be adjusted to a quarter or half wave phase retardation for an arbitrary wavelength from 150 nm (vacuum-UV) to 6500 nm (far infrared) and the FIR type from 1 µm to 21 µm. Thus, the new plates replace tens of ordinary phase retardation plates required to cover these ultrawide spectral ranges. This is an exclusive feature and has no commercial counterpart. A combination of two optically contacted thin plates cut at a proper angle with respect to the optical axis forms a true zero-order phase retardation plate, similar in design to the Savart plate. The required phase retardation is achieved by tilting the plate by 3° - 30°. This design is aimed at avoiding light reflection back to the laser system which in many cases results in complications. The new phase retardation plates are indispensable in research with widely tunable or broadband laser sources like dye lasers, optical parametric generators and femtosecond lasers. Although they have new and exclusive features and have no commercial counterpart, the tunable waveplates are offered at very competitive prices.


Applications: - Polarization Measurement & Control. - Laser Research. - Spectroscopy. - Nonlinear Optics. - OPO. - Femtosecond Lasers.







