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Technology Factsheet

Pulverized Fuel Ash

Category: Waste Management > Waste Disposal > Radioactive
Reference # : Model No :

There are tight specification limits on the use of pulverized fuel ash in cementation processes in the nuclear industry, compared to construction, due to the need to guarantee performance of waste packages in a repository for over a thousand years. Industrial recovery and beneficiation of fuel ash is being investigated as a means to guarantee the high specification supply the industry needs. Grout made from the beneficiated ash has to be tested for a number of product quality parameters such as fluidity of grout, dimensional stability and strength. The consistency of supply is also important. Therefore, test powders were taken over a 10 week period and showed to meet the specification requirements.


This powder has the potential to replace the current supply of pulverized fuel ash and hence reduces the risk to supply. Currently there is a single supplier of pulverized fuel ash for the industry to use.


This technology is still in development and it is not commercially available yet.




