White Light Scanning of Waste Packages
Category: Characterization > Camera & Surveillance > 3D Imaging
Reference # : Model No :
Research work had previously identified white light scanning techniques as being able to measure the changes in size and shape of intermediate level waste packages held in the Encapsulated Product Store. The technology works by projecting a series of vertical and horizontal fringes onto the target object, collecting the projected visible wavelength light signals from the object and using specialized algorithms to assess the data received. The result is a point cloud representing the surface of the target object which can then be analyzed by specialist software packages to produce precise dimensional data and 3D images of the object.
A prototype system was developed and deployed in conjunction with Phase Vision and has been introduced into the active area during a campaign of encapsulated magnox drum inspections in September 2011. This is the first instance of applying such measurement techniques to active waste packages.
The data collected has been used to generate 3D images of the drums, showing features on the drums due to the evolution of the contents of the packages. The next stage of work, once the 2011 data has been analyzed, will be to optimize the operational process for white light scanning before monitoring the evolution of the product drums by performing repeat inspections at set time intervals.
Enables forecasting of performance of the drums against design expectations (by comparing the measured drum features to the modeled stainless steel strain). Determines the amount of reworking these packages will require before transfer to the planned Geological Disposal Facility. Allows operators to measure the changes in size and shape of intermediate level waste packages held in the Encapsulated Product Store.
This technology is still in development and it is not commercially available yet.
White Light Scanning
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