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Technology Factsheet
Category: Characterization > Monitors > Radiation Monitors Reference # : ND-200ID Model No :
The NDS ND-200ID is a heavy duty radiation/contamination survey intrument. This meter is rugged, dust proof and watertight with a four-range internal pancake survey meter. The two-piece nylon reinforced fiberglass case and a 3.5" metal mil-spec meter movement ensures years of use. It has individual calibration potentiometer for each range. It easily determines low radiation levels of range 0-200, 0-20, 0-2 and 0-0.2 mR/hr. It can accurately assess alpha above 3.5 MeV, beta above 35 keV, and gamma and x-ray above 6 keV. This meter can scale in both mR/hr and cpm.
Rugged, dust proof and watertight. Capable of detecting alpha, beta, gamma, and x-ray radiation.