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Technology Factsheet

Self-Contained Pipe Cutting Shear

Category: Dismantlement > Mechanical Cutting Equipment > Nibber/Shear
Reference # : OST No 1948 , DOE/EM-0394 Model No : LKE 70

The Lukas unit is a hand-held, battery-operated hydraulic shear designed to cut piping and conduit measuring up to 2.5 inches in diameter. The unit has a built-in rechargeable battery and can also accommodate a portable auxiliary battery, allowing tit to operate for over one hour without recharge. Additionally it has no hydraulic fluid lines or electrical cords, which makes it extremely portable and adaptable to congested areas. It uses only non-toxic, non-hazardous, mineral-based hydraulic fluid. Dimensions of Tech Model (LxWxH): 33.5" x 10.2" x 6.8" Weight of Tech Model (lb): 50


Battery operated without any cables or wires Unit increases worker safety Uses only one pint of environmentally friendly hydraulic fluid Tool is very mobile Technology is very quiet Produces no secondary waste Minimizes airborne contamination Crimps the ends of pipes Leaves smooth clean cuts Less likely to produce sparks than baseline technology Setup time between cuts is about 2 to 3 min.


Technology cannot cut through 3 in. schedule 80 pipes Unit is awkward for cutting pipes that are above the waist level Unit is not ideal for small congested areas





  • Title: 1948-SelfContained.pdf     (Posted: 09/25/2002)
    Description: Innovative Technology Summary Report
