DC Powered Portable High Volume Air Sampler
Category: Worker Health & Safety > Engineering Controls > Air Monitoring
Reference # : Model No : H-810DC
The Model H-810DC samples the environment until the desired total volume or total elapsed time has been reached and then turns itself off. The LCD readout indicates the total volume and elapsed sample time. A STOP key is provided to stop the sampling procedure at any point during the sampling period, and the total volume of air sampled up to that point is indicated. When the power goes off, the unit will store the total volume and
sample period and display it when power is restored. The unit is microprocessor based with battery backed data memory to store operational parameters for as long as 10 years. All calibrations are performed using the on-board membrane key pad.
High accuracy.
LCD displays that indicate elapsed sample time , flow rate, total volume. Microprocessor based.
Battery-backup. Data memory.
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