Category: Worker Health & Safety > Personal Protective Equipment > Heat & Cold Protection
Reference # : Model No : MH 1000
The Maxi-Heat MH-1000 features twin heater units, producing a maximum of 1,010,000 combined BTUs and can be operated independently depending on heating requirements. Standard 16
inch heater outlet flanges and optional flexible ducting provide a wide variety of heat distribution options. CAT or optional Isuzu liquid-cooled 1800-rpm diesel engine with 9 kW transformer-regulated generator provides power to operate heater blowers and safety systems.
Indirect combustion ensures only clean, breathable air is entering the work area. 250 gallon fuel capacity provides over 30 hours of continuous operation without refueling. Combustible gas detection system (optional) powers down unit and operates visual strobe alarm before gas accumulation approaches potentially explosive levels, providing increased safety when used near well heads in gas or oil fields.
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