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Technology Factsheet

GammaCam Radiation Imaging System

Category: Characterization > Monitors > Multipurpose Detectors
Reference # : OST No 1840 , DOE/EM - 0345 Model No : M31

The GammaCamTM System has been developed by AIL Systems Inc. to provide a two-dimensional image of the gamma radiation field superimposed on the corresponding visual image and would benefit a site that needs to locate radiation sources. Because the system can be positioned outside the radiological controlled area, the radiation exposure to personnel is significantly reduced and extensive shielding is not required. GammaCamTM consists of a portable sensor head that contains a gamma-ray imaging system and a TV camera. The sensor unite is shown below mounted to an overhead crane hook. The superimposed radiation and visual images are displayed on a standard portable personal computer (PC) screen located several hundred feet from the sensor head, which in turn can be located outside the radiation area. The PC controls the data acquisition time, the field of view, and the image display. Gamma-ray energy sensitivity is approximately 0.1 to 2.0 MeV. The sensitivity is approximately 1 mR for a 7:1 signal-to-noise ratio. Dimensions of Tech Model (LxWxH): Sensor Head: 19 in X 10 in X 15 inWeight of Tech Model (lb): 55 lbProcessor: Megabytes RAM (min), Active Matrix, LCD Color Display, Internal Hard Drive, PC Card Slot (Type II/Type III)Standard Software: GammaSoftTOperation: 5§ C - 40§ C, Storage: -20§ C - 50§ C


Increase the speed at which HPTs can surveys radiation fields; Result lower exposures to personnel performing surveys, particularly in high radiation areas; Provide better characterization information on the position and relative strength of gamma radiation sources; and Aid public acceptance that remediation efforts complete and successful


Radiation field with a uniform intensity will not be detected The system can introduce image artifacts for objects near the edge of the field-of-view. úThe coded aperture system also has some limitations in terms of the maximum-to-minimum signal that cat be detected across the scintillator screen úGammaCam cannot directly measure a uniform radiation field





  • Title: 1840-GammaCam.pdf     (Posted: 09/25/2002)
    Description: Innovative Technology Summary Report