Gamma-Ray Imaging System
Category: Characterization > Monitors > Multipurpose Detectors
Reference # : OST No 1793 , DOE/EM-0390 Model No : RadScan 600
BFFL/Pajarito Scientific Co. (PSC) owns the technology, Los Alamos, NM The system consists of a 20 mm (dia) x 22 mm (long) CsI(Tl) detector, surrounded by truncated cone tungsten collimator with variable view angle (2, 4, and 9 degrees). This system is also equipped with a LASER range finder. This LASER finder determines the location of contamination (radiation) within 2 cm and at distance of approximately 270-cm from surfaces. In addition the system employs a high-resolution video camera to provide pictures of measurement locations within its view angle. Reports generated by the BNFL RadScan 600 are two-dimensional angular plots of Cs-137 and Co-60 contamination level in units of counts per second (cps). These plots can be in the form of color-coded surface plots, contour plots, or log plots. All radiological readings are stored within a database in the form of a gamma spectrum for each horizontal and vertical angle position. The cps readings can be translated to mR/h simply by multiplying the cps by a predetermined conversion factor. Similarly, the angle coordinates can easily be transformed into x-y coordinates. In addition, the system was equipped with a high-definition color Charge Collection Device (CCD) camera that provides video pictures of the area being surveyed. The color graphics were then overlaid on to the video picture of the area and overlaid output was recorded on a Videocassette Recorder.
Dimensions of Tech Model (LxWxH): RadScan 600 inspection Head:RadScan 600 WorkstationWeight of Tech Model (lb): 231 lb.
The system produced useful radiological data that were conveniently stored in database format and were easily retrievable
The ability to survey large surface areas with adequate accuracy (surface area depends on the angle of view). This saves personnel exposure (ALARA)
The report generated provides a more clear, concise and understandable representation of exactly where and how much contamination (radiation) is present in an area
Physical locations of reading are accurate to within 2 cm. The reading and associated locations are recorded automatically in a computer file
úThe ability to be operate remotely enables the measurement crew to stay in a very low exposure area and performed highly accurate measurements in higher contamination (radiation) areas (ALARA)
úThis technology can increase productivity, decrease man hours, and provide clearer exposure maps, more understandable product for the decisions, and reduce the dose to the characterization personnel (ALARA), especially in higher radiation areas
The major encountered during the demonstration was maneuvering the unit in congested areas
Due to physical size and geometry of the RadScan 600 and measurements location geometry, near corner and wall measurements could not be easily obtained
The demonstrated innovative system is not suitable for surveying areas with low levels of radiation such as for release surveys
There is currently no need to modify the system demonstrated at the Hanford Site's C Reactor
A similar Gamma Ray Imaging System (Gamma Cam) has been purchased and is scheduled for deployment at Hanford's B Plant
RadScan 600 inspection head
RadScan 600 workstation.