Category: Characterization > Monitors > Multipurpose Detectors
Reference # : OST No 2103 , DOE/EM-0417 Model No : Version 2.10
RESRAD-BUILD was developed by Argonne National Laboratory to estimate exposure/dose to a hypothetical receptor due to a radiological contaminated building or structure. The RESRAD-BUILD model is an exposure pathway and analysis code used to determine whether radiological contaminated buildings and structures can be free released for a specific land use (e.g., residential or industrial). The model provides estimates of dose to a hypothetical receptor from the structure. RESRAD-BUILD model can simulate different exposure scenarios, various time intervals, and various radionuclides. The RESRAD-BUILD model was used to determine exposure/dose within the reactor buildings. And it was determined a residential exposure scenario with cleanup criteria of 15 mrem/yr above background. Using RESRAD-BUILD to calculate dose, only the building material that may pose a risk must be demolished and disposed.
Dimensions of Tech Model (LxWxH): Weight of Tech Model (lb):
Easy to install and setup on an IBM-compatible PC-based system.
Can be run both in Windows (3.1 or 95) or DOS environments.
The model is easy to run and the training period for running the RESRAD-BUILD code is short (few days).
Allows the user to devise site
specific hypothetical scenarios and vary the code-input parameters to simulate the site-specific scenarios more closely.
Results with RESRAD-BUILD were more conservative than with Microshield 4.0 (a more accurate and more complex modeling shielding code), which helps in regulatory compliance issues.
RESRAD-BUILD demonstrated that exposure/dose associated with a building or structure could easily be estimated due to residual activity within the building/structure material (e.g., below-grade gas and water pipe tunnels at C Reactor).
Use of the model may avoid complete removal of structures that are slightly contaminated with residual radioactive isotopes.
This technology is available through ANL. DOE contractors can obtain the code free of cost, and the private sector can obtain the code for nominal costXa few hundred dollars.
Can prevent high cost associated with dismantlement/demolition and disposal of slightly contaminated buildings or structures with residual radioactive isotopes
As with all mathematical models, the code should be continually evaluated and improved for pathway models, exposure dose calculations, format variety, and user interface.
The code is limited to four different geometries (i.e., point, line, disk, and cylinder). There are also limitations in source size selection due to the geometries, especially for disk and cylindrical sources.
The code would be more useful if it were expanded beyond the current four
RESRAD (soils) must be used in conjunction with RESRAD-BUILD to model fate and transport of radionuclides through the soil column to groundwater
RESRAD-BUILD start window showing parameters.