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Why Contribute?

The objective of the Deactivation & Decommissioning Knowledge Management Information Tool (D&D KM-IT) is to provide single-point access into the collective knowledge-base of the D&D community within and outside of the DOE. Knowledge management is the process of gathering, analyzing, storing and sharing knowledge and information within an organization or community.

The management of this data is critical for the continued mission of EM as the cleanup effort underway is one of the largest, most diverse cleanup operations in the world. To effectively capture and manage the combined knowledge and experience of the D&D industry to date requires that the D&D global community contribute to a centralized knowledge base such as the D&D KM-IT.

The History


The Manhattan Project

The Manhattan Project took less than 3 years to create a working atomic bomb. The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers managed the construction of monumental plants to enrich uranium, three production reactors to make plutonium, and two reprocessing plants to extract plutonium from the reactor fuel.


Energy Nuclear Research

The Atomic Energy Act of l946 established the Atomic Energy Commission, to administer and regulate the production and uses of atomic power. The work of the Commission expanded quickly from building a stockpile of nuclear weapons to investigating peaceful uses of atomic energy.


Nuclear Regulatory Commission

The Atomic Energy Commission was replaced by two new federal agencies: the Nuclear Regulatory Commission, which was charged with regulating the civilian uses of atomic energy (mainly commercial nuclear power plants), and the Energy Research and Development Administration.


Department of Energy

In 1977, the duties were transferred to the newly created Department of Energy. Individual program offices were responsible for mission and program activities as well as for any cleanup associated with those activities.


DOE Environment Management

The EM program was created in 1989 to clean up the radioactive legacy of the Cold War. The extent of the environmental legacy of the Manhattan Project and the Cold War was just beginning to be fully understood and the magnitude of the problems were being addressed for the first time in an open and transparent way to the public.


Present Status of the Mission

EM has reduced the number of contaminated sites from 107 sites in 35 states to 17 sites in 11 states. Since 2009 EM has reduced its active footprint by 688 square miles, from 931 square miles to 243 square miles, demonstrating tremendous success in the accelerated cleanup of the Cold War legacy.

The Mission of DOE EM

Fifty years of nuclear weapons production and energy research generated millions of gallons of liquid radioactive waste, millions of cubic meters of solid radioactive wastes, thousands of tons of spent nuclear fuel and special nuclear material, and huge quantities of contaminated soil and water. One of the largest,most diverse, and technically complex environmental cleanup operations in the world, the DOE EM Program has a mission to complete the safe cleanup of this environmental legacy.

CH2MHill 100K D&D Demolition at the Hanford Site

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Lesson Learned

The purpose of lessons learned is to bring together insights gained during a project that can be usefully applied on future projects. By capturing lessons learned, the D&D community can achieve far greater long-term success than if the lessons are left undocumented once a project ends.

Best Practices

The purpose of best practices is to share the processes, techniques, and methodologies that have been proven through experience to reliably lead to the desired project results. By capturing best practices, the D&D community can find how success has been achieved on projects similar to their own.

Contact Us

Document Library

Documents currently included in the library include archived activity reports from the Hanford ALARA Center and the Integrated Safety Solutions Center (ISSC) at the Savannah River Site, relevant reports from the international D&D community, Applied Research Center’s D&D technical reports and factsheets, and D&D Knowledge Management Information Update Newsletters.

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Training & Certifications

The Training module provides a central location for D&D related training as well as certification. The module provides various media forms of training: video instruction, documentation, and classroom scheduling. There are also outlines and certification information.

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Workshops & Conferences

Conferences & Workshops provides a comprehensive list of upcoming deactivation and decommissioning conferences and workshops.

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Industry News

Staying with the D&D KM-IT's goal of knowledge management, industry news is continually posted to the tool. You can contribute to the news by forwarding us anything you find newsworthy related to the D&D industry.


The picture library also allows users to upload D&D pictures to the D&D KM-IT system, including technologies, demonstrations, and past and present D&D projects.


The video library also allows users to upload D&D related videos to the D&D KM-IT system, including technologies, demonstrations, and past and present D&D projects.

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D&D Technologies

The objective of the technology module is to create, maintain and enhance the technology information repository for D&D applications, including characterization, decontamination, dismantlement, and worker health and safety.

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The objective of the vendor module is to create and maintain a directory of available commercial D&D vendors. Users within the D&D community can find a D&D vendor with a quick online search and be provided with complete contact information instantly. Vendors that provide D&D technologies, materials and supplies, as well as services are included.

Contact us to post news, events, and other information to help contribute to the safe and complete cleanup of the cold war environmental legacy.

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