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Dismantlement EFCOG D&D Working Group Accelerated Demolition of the Reactor Maintenance, Assembly, and Disassembly Facility and the Pluto Lesson learned on the accelerated demolition of the Reactor Maintenance, Assembly, and Disassembly Facility (R-MAD) and the Pluto Disassembly Facility at the Nevada National Security Site Download
Project Management EM-5.22 Lessons Learned Bulletin Analysis of Recommendations from EM and PM Reviews Performed in 2016-2017 The success of a project review depends on the value-added contribution it makes to improve project performance. It should be a collaborative process between the review team, the project team and EM senior management. EM Project reviews provide a second, unbiased assessment of EM project performance. Continuing on improving this important project management mechanism drives EM projects toward performance excellence. Download
Project Management EM-5.22 Lessons Learned Bulletin Analysis of Recommendations from EM and PM Reviews Performed in 2018 Project Reviews help the EM program to understand, in detail, the health and progress of its projects. They give the project an independent perspective that cuts across geographic lines and helps to overcome any oversights or biases that may have inadvertently been developed. These reviews are about: giving clear, well-validated information to decision makers, so they can make good, better informed, decisions. Download
Project Management DOE-EM, Office of Project Assessment (EM-53) Analysis of Recommendations from EM Project Peer Reviews in Fiscal Year 2016 October 2016 - The Office of Project Management (EM 5.22) performs a review of the trends/lessons learned from peer reviews performed during the year. The results of this review are not intended as a lessons learned but an opportunity to improve based on the previous year’s performance on multiple projects. The results from the Analysis of Fiscal Year 2016 Project Peer Review Recommendations report are identified below. Download
Project Management DOE EM Office of Project Management (EM-5.2.2) Applying Caps to Contracts May 2018 - Lessons learned from SPRU and IWTU projects on the practice of applying cost caps to contracts and the unintended consequences that can result. Following the application of a cost cap to these contracts, each project had project execution issues which caused significant cost growth and schedule delays as the work was executed. This led to the DOE Office of the Inspector General (IG) to perform audits of the projects and then generate audit reports describing the events which caused th Download
Worker Safety OSTI Defence Programs Beryllium Good Practices Guide This good practice guide forms the basis of an acceptable program for controlling workplace exposure to beryllium, including during D&D of facilities. Download
Dismantlement EM-5.22 Lessons Learned Bulletin Demolition of a Mercury Contaminated Facility DOE’s OREM declared demolition completion on the West COLEX equipment at Y-12 National Security Complex in November 2018. The UCOR D&D plans were based on Process Knowledge that could be obtained from documentation and operator knowledge from the design and operation of the West COLEX system. However, key information was either unavailable, limited or incomplete. Based on initial assumptions, the UCOR team was planning to deactivate 5,000 linear feet or piping, however, at completion, operation Download
Project Management DOE-EM, Office of Project Assessment (EM-53) Demolition of Radiologically-Contaminated Buildings December 2014 - The West Valley Demonstration Project (WVDP) completed demolition of Building 01-14 in July 2013. While the project was successful in terms of personnel safety (no injuries during deactivation or demolition) and radiation safety (no uptakes or atmospheric excursions), the overall project ran over budget and behind schedule. The project team developed a detailed report capturing all of their lessons learned from this complicated demolition project. The primary lesson learned was t Download
Project Management DOE EM Office of Project Management (EM-5.2.2) Earned Value Management System (EVMS) February 2018 - A short description of EM’s history of using earned value, past issues associated with its use, benefits of using the method, and current requirements and guidelines to implement an Earned Value Management (EVM) System. General lessons learned are presented organized by the five phases of project management: initiation, planning, execution, control and closeout. Download
Project Management DOE-EM, Office of Project Assessment (EM-53) Earned Value Management System (EVMS) Certification and Surveillance Reviews Analyses Results Update November 2016 - As part of DOE’s effort to institutionalize Earned Value Management System (EVMS) across the Department and export best business practices across programs, EM and PMOA have continued conducting EVMS certification and surveillance reviews. In order to provide EM a conclusive EVM reference database capturing all EVM issues identified from past reviews in one location for analysis, interpretation, and reporting, EM has developed an Earned Value Management Analysis Tool (EVMAT). Download
Project Management DOE-EM, Office of Project Assessment (EM-53) Earned Value Management System (EVMS) Certification and Surveillance Reviews Analysis Results March 2015 - As part of DOE’s effort to institutionalize EVMS across the Department and export best business practices across programs, EM and OAPM have conducted several EVMS certification and surveillance reviews.EM Headquarters (EM-53) has developed an Earned Value Management Analysis Tool to analyze findings resulting from certification and surveillance review conducted by APM and EM. Over 230 EVMS Corrective Action Requests (CARs) from a total of seven certification and surveillance reviews Download
Project Management DOE-EM, Office of Project Assessment (EM-53) Effective Use of Management Reserve July 2014 - Management Reserve (MR) has been an integral part of Earned Value Management Systems (EVMS) since inception in 1966. However, MR is still frequently misunderstood and applied incorrectly in executing EM projects. The National Defense Industrial Association (NDIA) Program Management Systems Division (PMSD) American National Standards Institute/Electronic Industries Alliance (ANSI/EIA)-748 Intent Guide (Reference 1) defines MR as "the amount of the total budget withheld for management Download
Project Management DOE-EM, Office of Project Assessment (EM-53) EM Earned Value Management Systems January 2014 - In a memorandum dated June 19, 2012, the Deputy Secretary of Energy expressed his expectations for accurate project performance reporting including provision of accurate and reliable Earned Value Management System (EVMS) data. As a result, the DOE Office of Acquisition and Project Management (MA-OAPM) revised their methodology for conducting EVMS reviews in an effort to ensure that DOE contractors are providing accurate reports and sound performance data to Federal project teams. Download
Project Management DOE-EM, Office of Project Assessment (EM-53) EM Project Management Good Practice Norms October 2013 - EM identified 50 Project Management (PM) Lessons Learned (LL) "Good Practice Norms" from the EM projects in the PARS II database. These items were transmitted by an ARRA PM LL Questionnaire to all EM sites and rated by responders that had experienced the LL. The top rated LL items/norms that were experienced and rated as highly important to project success are addressed in the analysis section below. A list of all 50 PMLL norms is included in the attached file under six subgroup Download
Project Management DOE-EM, Office of Project Assessment (EM-53) Establish a Controlled Repository and Document All Bases Regarding Remediation Management Decisions December 2013 - While performing Soil Contamination Removal projects, actual site conditions are often encountered that require deviation from Stakeholder pre-approved work plans and/or procedures. It is vital to capture all decisional information and stakeholder agreements in a proactive and controlled manner in order to ensure that the project completion reports (e.g., Final Status Survey Reports) reflect clearly and accurately what occurred during the project and how each deviation was manage Download
Project Management DOE-EM, Office of Project Assessment (EM-53) Estimates at Completion November 2014 - The Department of Energy (DOE) Order 413.3B requires all contractors executing capital asset projects on cost reimbursable contracts to use Earned Value Management Systems (EVMS) to measure cost and schedule performance. In order to ensure that the information presented by the contractor's EVMS is accurate, the contractor's EVMS must be certified in compliance with the American National Standards Institute (ANSI) / Electronic Industries Alliance (EIA) EVMS Standard 748 guidelines Download
Project Management DOE EM Office of Project Management (EM-5.2.2) Fort St. Vrain Independent Spent Fuel Storage Installation Facility Improvement Project March 2018 - An Independent Spent Fuel Storage Installation (ISFSI) facility was built to store the spent nuclear fuel from the Fort St. Vrain Generating Station. The SNF and the facility were transferred to the INL to honor commitments made to the utility in a contract by the Atomic Energy Commission prior to construction of the reactor. The improvements project, which included infrastructure upgrades for the facility that was completed at the end of 2017, compiled lessons learned in five main Download
Project Management DOE-EM, Office of Project Assessment (EM-53) Fully Developed Technical Performance Baseline Important Even for Small Non-Line Item Projects November 2013 - The lack of a fully developed technical performance baseline for a direct federal small business task order design/build construction contract led to challenges during project execution (design, construction, test, and turnover). Download
Project Management DOE-EM, Office of Project Assessment (EM-53) Guidelines for Establishing Project Key Performance Parameters (KPPs) March 2014 - Project teams must carefully establish Key Performance Parameters (KPPs) which define the minimum scope requirements for project success. Poorly defined KPPs have resulted in otherwise successfully projects being categorized as failures by the DOE Office of Acquisition and Program Management (MA-60) as experienced in some EM projects. Some KPPs referred to the overall programmatic goals. A Key Performance Parameter is defined by CD-2 and is a characteristic, function, requirement or Download
Project Management EM-5.22 Lessons Learned Bulletin In Situ Decommissioning There are a number of criteria which must be evaluated and met in order to choose permanent entombment of a facility over the more stand deactivation, decommissioning, demolition and disposal of waste at licensed disposal facility. In many cases, from both a safety and cost perspective, it may be more effective to choose the filling of a below grade facility with grout rather than demolishing, handling and transporting waste to a disposal site. However, the disadvantages of this option are the r Download
Project Management DOE-EM, Office of Project Assessment (EM-53) Integrated Risk Management and Joint Confidence Levels December 2016 - The AACE International (formerly the Association for the Advancement of Cost Engineering) professional association released a Recommended Practice No. 57R-09 titled Integrated Cost and Schedule Risk Analysis Using Monte Carlo Simulation of a CPM Model. This standard practice guide discusses and demonstrates the integration of cost and schedule risk using Monte Carlo as an analytical tool to perform sensitivity analysis to provide a more holistic view of the project risks. The int Download
Project Management DOE-EM, Office of Project Assessment (EM-53) Key Items to Guide Certified FPDs in the Project Management Career Development Program (PMCDP) March 2014 - The PMCDP is designed to recognize and certify DOE Federal Project Directors who are managing capital asset projects according to DOE Order 413.3B. FPDs who have fulfilled minimum requirements managing these projects are eligible to be certified as FPD Levels I through IV by the Certification Review Board. EM currently has 154 certified FPDs. Some key LL's during this certification process are discussed below. Download
Decontamination Information Bridge LESSONS LEARNED AND BEST PRACTICES PROGRAM MANUAL Lessons Learned and Best Practices Program within Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory (LBNL) to ensure ongoing improvement of safety and reliability, prevent the recurrence of significant adverse events/trends, and determine implementation strategies that will help LBNL successfully meet the missions and goals set forth by the Department of Energy (DOE). Download
Project Management DOE-EM, Office of Project Assessment (EM-53) Lessons Learned from Commercial Nuclear Plant Construction March 2016 - Construction of any facility, such as a nuclear power plant or a large dam, that needs tens of thousands of tons of steel, concrete, and other materials is difficult, and runs the risk of cost overruns if delayed. Nuclear plants were sometimes singled out as particularly susceptible to overruns due to the added quality assurance, regulatory oversight, and complexity issues not seen in some other large infrastructure projects. Some of these large construction projects were not well m Download
Decontamination OSTI Lessons Learned from Decommissioning Projects at Los Alamos National Laboratory This paper describes lessons learned over 20 years from 12 decommissioning projects at LANL related to waste management, NEPA, RCRA, CERCLA, contracting, public involvement, client interface, and funding. Download
Project Management DOE-EM, Office of Project Assessment (EM-53) Lessons Learned from Design-Build of the NREL Integrated Biorefinery Research Facility April 2015 - The Department of Energy’s National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL) completed the design and construction of a research facility in Colorado in 2011. The Integrated Biorefinery Research Facility (IBRF) project was developed and performed in a two phase process: 1) preliminary design, and 2) detailed design and construction. There were numerous lessons learned for this project that could be applied to similar construction line item projects withTotal Project Costs in excess of $20 Download
Project Management DOE-EM, Office of Project Assessment (EM-53) Lessons Learned from Establishing an Over Target Baseline/Over Target Schedule June 2015 - On occasion, there may be the need to use an Over Target Baseline (OTB) or Over Target Schedule (OTS) for a contract when the current Performance Measurement Baseline (PMB) is no longer realistic or useful for managing the remaining work due to a projected overrun. The OTB/OTS is one of the tools available to provide meaningful performance measurement in an overrun condition while holding the contractor accountable to the original contract cost and/or schedule terms.An OTB/OTS is for Download
Project Management DOE-EM, Office of Project Assessment (EM-53) Lessons Learned from independent verification activities May 2014 - In 2008, the Oak Ridge Institute for Science and Education (ORISE) prepared a Lessons Learned document summarizing recent independent verification activities performed at various DOE sites in response to a report released by the Government Accountability Office (GAO) entitled "Nuclear Cleanup of Rocky Flats-DOE Can Use Lessons Learned to Improve Oversight of Other Sites’ Cleanup Activities (GAO 2006)." Download
Project Management DOE-EM, Office of Project Assessment (EM-53) Lessons Learned From Project Peer Reviews August 2014 - Through FY2013, EM conducted 60 Project Peer Reviews (PPRs): 35 in FY2012 and 25 in FY2013. The recommendations from these PPRs were analyzed for trends. The analysis below lists the top three trends (issues) identified in each of four categories: Project Management and Prior Reviews, Acquisition, Cost/Schedule/Risk/Scope, and Technical and Safety. Based on the peer reviews conducted to date, the actions below have been identified and are being addressed by EM-53 to improve EM pr Download
Project Management DOE-EM, Office of Project Assessment (EM-53) Lessons Learned from Radiological Control Program Reviews July 2015 - Radiological contamination events have occurred at civilian sites, DOE sites and areas around the world. Recently, the Department of Energy began investigations into two incidents over the past year where workers at the Nevada National Security Site were exposed to potential contamination due to “losses of contamination control of highly enriched uranium” at the lab while conducting nuclear weapons activities (ref 1). In addition, there are numerous incidents of civilian contaminatio Download
Project Management DOE-EM, Office of Project Assessment (EM-53) Lessons Learned from the In-Situ Grouting in the Subsurface Disposal Area Post Critical Decision-4 January 2015 - Protection of the Snake River Plain Aquifer was a major driver for environmental remediation at the Department of Energy’s (DOE) Idaho Site. In 2010, the Idaho Cleanup Project (ICP) used in-situ grouting to stabilize buried waste and reduce the migration of specific radioactive contaminates to the aquifer. The action was accomplished using American Recovery and Reinvestment Act (Public Law 111-5) Program funding of a capital asset acquisition project under DOE Order 413.3A, Progra Download
Project Management DOE-EM, Office of Project Assessment (EM-53) Lessons Learned from the Upfront Planning of the Karlsruhe Reprocessing Plant (WAK) Distmanting February 2015 - The Karlsruhe Reprocessing Plant (WAK) was built between the years 1967 to 1971 by the former Nuclear Research Center Karlsruhe. During its 20 years of operation, the WAK-plant processed 208 tons of irradiated oxide fuel heavy metal from research and power reactors. On June 30, 1991, the plant was closed with decontamination and dismantling of the plant starting in 1994. The dismantling activities were carried out by hands-on techniques, remote techniques, or a mixture of both, d Download
Project Management DOE-EM, Office of Project Assessment (EM-53) Lessons Learned in Planning and Designing Nuclear Facilities - INL January 2017 - The Remote-Handled Low-Level Waste Disposal Facility (RWLLWDF) is being constructed to replace the Radioactive Waste Management Complex (RWMC) at the Idaho National Lab. This new facility will take over the modified waste activities of the RWMC which is beginning the closure process. The new RWLLWDF consists of a single HAZCAT 2 disposal facility with support buildings and utility infrastructure. Using a tailored CD-2/3 approach, the selected acquisition strategy was designbuil Download
Project Management DOE-EM, Office of Project Assessment (EM-53) Lessons Learned on Analysis of Alternatives April 2016 - An Analysis of Alternatives (AoA) is a process that guides an analytical comparison of multiple alternatives that should be completed before committing resources to a project. The reason for performing an AoA is to allow decision makers to understand the choices and the various approach options for executing projects, or for evaluating new technologies that might be applied to an existing project. The goal is to achieve the most effective solution from a cost and risk standpoint in Download
Dismantlement EM-5.22 Lessons Learned Bulletin - April 2019 Lessons Learned on Changing Conditions at Plutonium Finishing Plant Demolition of numerous buildings, gloveboxes and tanks that make up the Plutonium Finishing Plant (PFP) complex is considered to be some of the most hazardous work in the DOE complex and was near completion when a series of airborne contamination events occurred and stopped work. This Lessons Learned Bulletin covers two separate incidents that occurred during demolition of a glovebox and cleanup of a canyon floor area. These incidents illustrate the need to be wary of changing conditions as dem Download
Project Management DOE-EM, Office of Project Assessment (EM-53) Lessons Learned on Commercial Nuclear Power Plant Uprate Modifications November 2015 - When a commercial power plant is licensed by the Nuclear Regulatory Commission, it is limited to a specific maximum power. This limit is based on the design and safety analyses of the reactor core’s heat output and corresponding power level. Major modifications, or Extended Power Uprate (EPU) projects are undertaken at some operating commercial nuclear power plants to increase their power output. Download
Project Management DOE-EM, Office of Project Assessment (EM-53) Lessons Learned on Cost Estimating Reviews May 2016 - In the past, the Office of Environmental Management (EM) and National Nuclear Security Administration (NNSA) had drawn particular attention to their cost estimating practices. Together both offices are managing capital asset projects with approximately $70 billion in combined Total Project Costs. The Government Accountability Office (GAO) had noted that DOE and NNSA under-estimated the costs of projects and then requested additional project funds through the budget process. To address Download
Project Management DOE-EM, Office of Project Assessment (EM-53) Lessons Learned on Documentation for D&D Projects September 2015 - The early years of nuclear energy development (R&D, construction, and operation) left a considerable legacy of contaminated facilities, the majority of which are military, scientific and demonstration facilities, both in the United States and throughout the world. Old, contaminated facilities pose continuing risks until they are deactivated and decommissioned (D&D). People involved in decommissioning must often address challenges which include incomplete facility histories and i Download
Project Management DOE-EM, Office of Project Assessment (EM-53) Lessons Learned on Trends from FY15 Project Peer Reviews December 2015 - Project Peer Reviews (PPR) of capital asset projects are implemented in accordance with DOE O 413.3B, Program and Project Management for the Acquisition of Capital Assets. As described in the Order’s Project Management Principles, PPRs should be utilized throughout the lifecycle of a project to appropriately assess project status, and make any corrections to project direction as needed. These reviews can be a useful tool for the Federal Project Director, senior site management an Download
Project Management DOE-EM, Office of Project Assessment (EM-53) Lessons Learned on Upfront Planning and Design after CD-3, from the PFP Demolition Project July 2016 - This report captures and describes the up-front project planning and design lessons learned following approval of Critical Decision-3 (CD-3) for the Plutonium Finishing Plant (PFP) Demolition Project (RL-001 l.C2) in accordance with DOE 0 413.3B, Program and Project Management for the Acquisition of Capital Assets. Approval of CD-3 was obtained concurrently with approval of CD-1 and CD-2 on September 22, 2015, by the Project Management Executive (PME). Download
Project Management EM-5.22 Lessons Learned Bulletin Lessons Learned on Uranium Processing Facility Infrastructure Completion The DOE’s NNSA and the US Army Corps of Engineers partnered over the past five years to upgrade the Y-12 National Security Complex infrastructure. Two sub-projects were successfully delivered using a project specific Interagency Agreement with clearly defined interface procedures. The partnership delivered safe, quality construction deliverables ahead of schedule and millions of dollars under budget. These activities positioned NNSA for starting the successful execution of the remaining five sub Download
Project Management DOE-EM, Office of Project Assessment (EM-53) Lessons Learned on USACE Mega-Project or Program Management August 2016 - The Office of Environmental Management (EM) maintains a lessons learned program that identifies lessons learned from Construction, D&D, and remediation projects. EM provides a monthly lessons learned bulletin on pertinent project management topics from DOE projects, other federal agency lessons learned, and private industry. This month’s lessons learned is on the US Army Corps of Engineers processes for executing large projects. Download
Project Management DOE-EM, Office of Project Assessment (EM-53) Lessons Learned on Waste Disposal Facilities October 2015 - The Department of Energy has performed Decommissioning and Demolition (D&D) activities on many large-scale remediation projects across the complex. One option for disposal of low level radioactive waste (LLRW) from these D&D projects has been to use an on-site waste disposal facility. Many of these facilities are engineered above-grade disposal facilities that permanently store LLRW and treated mixed LLRW generated during D&D and soil remediation activities performed in order to a Download
Project Management DOE-EM, Office of Project Assessment (EM-53) Lessons Learned on Waste Solidification Building Project Y473 September 2016 - For decades the Department of Energy has used waste processing and stabilization as part of its remediation practices. A new treatment facility at the Savanah River Site was constructed and achieved CD 4 in 2015. The mission of the Waste Solidification Building (WSB) is to process radioactive waste streams from the Mixed Oxide Fuel Fabrication Facility (MFFF) into the following two waste forms: (1) a waste form that is suitable for shipment and disposal as transuranic (TRU) Download
Material Disposition OSTI Lessons Learned through Optimization of the Voluntary Corrective Action Process This Waste Management Conference paper discusses the valuable experience in environmental remediation gained at Sandia National Laboratories by concurrently conducting Voluntary Corrective Actions at three Solid Waste Management Units. Download
Dismantlement FIU-ARC HIKER LESSONS LEARNED WITH THE DISMANTLING OF THE KARLSRUHE REPROCESSING PLANT WAK The WAK plant was closed down on June 30, 1991, after 20 years of hot operation. The dismantling of the plant started in 1994 with the decommissioning of obsolete systems and will be finished in 2009 with a green meadow. The dismantling activities are carried out by hands-on techniques, remote techniques, or a mixture of both, depending on radiological conditions. 5,500 tons of contaminated solid waste, 3,200 m3 of liquid waste, 130 canisters of HLW glass, and 75,000 tons of rubble will Download
Project Management DOE EM Office of Project Management (EM-5.2.2) Maintenance Repair by Replacement August 2017 - As a landlord or facility/infrastructure “owner “on numerous sites throughout the complex, EM is faced with the responsibility of an increasing amount of aging infrastructure. In some cases the EM infrastructure is slated for demolition and only minimal maintenance is warranted. However, in many other cases EM will need to maintain and utilize this infrastructure for a period of some of years. GAO has an interest in this area as well. A recurring question arises as how to treat, f Download
Material Disposition OSTI Management of Pit 9 - Highlights of Accomplishments and Lessons Learned Paper discussing accomplishments and lessons learned for a prototype full scale demonstration to retrieve and treat buried mixed transuranic waste from Pit 9 at INEL. Download
Project Management DOE-EM, Office of Project Assessment (EM-53) NRC Lessons Learned From Early Construction October 2014 - The Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) regulates the civilian uses of nuclear materials in the United States to protect public health and safety, the environment, and the common defense and security by licensing nuclear facilities and the possession, use and disposal of nuclear materials. The NRC issued NUREG 1055, "Improving Quality and the Assurance of Quality in the Design and Construction of Nuclear Power Plants," in May of 1984 (Reference 1). In December of 2009, the NRC is Download
Project Management DOE-EM, Office of Project Assessment (EM-53) Oakland East Span Bay Bridge Lessons Learned February 2017 - Management of Mega-Projects can be tricky for even the most experienced companies. The challenges introduced through the sheer size in budget, long duration schedules, management of contracts and projects, internal and external communications, and the involvement of regulators and the public should be closely reviewed when considering or executing a Mega-Project. In the increasing need for larger and more complicated projects, a valuable amount of data is available in lessons lea Download
Project Management DOE-EM, Office of Project Assessment (EM-53) Pre-Construction Labor Agreements Mitigate Labor Impacts April 2014 - The potential for labor-related impacts during the execution of long duration projects can be mitigated by utilization of a Project Labor Agreement (PLA). PLAs can be used for new construction, facility maintenance and repair, and for decontamination and decommissioning work. PLAs have been used by both NNSA and EM, as well as other government agencies, including the Department of Defense (Corps of Engineers, Air Force, Navy), Tennessee Valley Authority, and National Aeronautics and Download
Decontamination ARC-FIU HIKER PRELIMINARY LESSONS LEARNED FROM THE GUNITE AND ASSOCIATED Make equipment as rugged as possible to avoid mechanical problems. · Consider personnel exposure consequences when designing systems and determining maintenance and procedures. · Maximize visibility with view ports and contamination covers, cameras, and lighting. · Design equipment interfaces Download
Project Management DOE-EM, Office of Project Assessment (EM-53) Proper Use of Undistributed Budget June 2014 - Based on recent EVMS reviews, a number of compliance issues surrounding the use of Undistributed Budget (UB) have been identified which require site contractors to develop Corrective Action Plans necessary to maintain Earned Value Management System Compliance Certifications as required by DOE O 413.3B, and contracts. Download
Dismantlement OSTI Reactor D&D at Argonne National Laboratory - Lessons Learned This paper focuses on the lessons learned during the decontamination and decommissioning (D&D) of two reactors at Agonne National Laboratory-East (ANL-E): The Experimental Boiling Water Reactor (EBWR) and the Janus Reactor. Download
Project Management DOE EM Office of Project Management (EM-5.2.2) Salt Waste Processing Facility Construction Work Package Closure November 2017 - SWPF was built to treat radioactive salt solutions presently stored in underground tanks at SRS. SWPF is a complex major project with a Total Project Cost through the start of operations of approximately $2.3B. The development and use of construction work packages are vital to defining, assigning and completing the necessary activities to successfully build the plant. Download
Dismantlement FIU- ARC HIKER San Onofre Unit 1 Lessons Learned 450 Mwe Westinghouse PWR w/3 Primary Loops • Commercial Operation 1968, Shutdown 1992 • Coastal Location, between Los Angeles & San Diego, CA • Shares physical site with SONGS 2 & 3 Units • Co-owned by SCE (80%) and SDG&E (20%) • SONGS 1 Fuel located in SFP, at SONGS 2 & 3 and at Morris, Ill • On Federal land/Lease requires removal of structures Download
Project Management DOE-EM, Office of Project Assessment (EM-53) Sellafield MOX Plant Lessons Learned May 2017 - The Office of Environmental Management provides Lessons Learned applicable to EM projects. Lessons Learned, from Federal and private sectors, are referenced as examples to further bolster EM’s knowledge base in the execution of successful work. This month’s bulletin focuses on lessons learned from the design and planning of the Sellafield MOX Plant. The Sellafield MOX Plant is located in Cumbria, UK and is awaiting decommissioning and demolition. This facility ceased operations due Download
Project Management DOE-EM, Office of Project Assessment (EM-53) Southern Nuclear Company Vogtle Unit 2 Outage Lessons Learned April 2017 - Unlike typical cleanup projects, or facility decommissioning and demolition work, the projects and maintenance programs performed at nuclear power generation stations are performed during a regularly scheduled outage. These outages are when the reactor is taken offline for a short period of time to accommodate refueling and work activities. Outages can have a cost impact ranging into the millions of dollars per day either as an expense to the company or as a profit. Because of this Download
Dismantlement FIU- ARC HIKER Technology Application and Lessons Learned from ORNL Fuel Facility D&D Reduce / stabilize loose surface • Reduces worker exposure potential • Reduces PPE requirements • Reduces possibility of release in downtown ORNL Low Contamination areas reduced to Fixed CAs • High Contamination areas reduced to Low CAs • Hot Cells downgraded from High CA supplied breathing air required to standard negative pressure respirators Download
Project Management DOE-EM, Office of Project Assessment (EM-53) Transportation Mega-Projects and Risk September 2014 - Boston's Central Artery/Tunnel project, commonly known as the "Big Dig," serves as an example of a publicly funded, privately executed "megaproject" which experienced drastic cost and schedule overruns due to a number of project management issues. The project was originally estimated to cost $2.6 billion in 1982 dollars, and ended with actual cost of $14.8 billion in 2007 dollars, with schedule and quality issues which delayed completion for almost two decades. While the projec Download
Dismantlement Savannah River Site Unanticipated High Dose During the Removal of Wire Flux Monitor Cabling from the HWCTR Reactor Vesse An unanticipated high dose was experienced during the removal of wire flux monitor cabling during the Heavy Water Component Test Reactor (HWCTR) deactivation at the Savannah River Site (SRS). The potential radiation dose was not fully understood, because despite the review of over 1,400 drawings as part of the planning for the work, the presence of the ion chambers had not been identified. Download
Project Management DOE EM Office of Project Management (EM-5.2.2) V.C. Summer Nuclear Power Plant Project Failure October 2017 - The V.C. Summer commercial nuclear power plant in South Carolina, which was in the process of building two new reactors, has experienced enormous cost overruns and schedule delays such that the project owners have canceled the project. Lessons Learned from the construction of commercial nuclear power plants are directly applicable to current DOE EM major capital assets projects. DOE has recognized these issues and have addressed them in the updated DOE Order 413.3B, Program and Pr Download
Project Management DOE EM Office of Project Management (EM-5.2.2) Value of Earned Schedule July 2017 - Recommendations which align with lessons from industry or from a government agency to navigate operations and project management. Earned value contains a weakness when providing schedule metrics for capital asset projects which are nearly complete or over schedule. Receiving a Schedule Performance Index of .99 means that 99% of the scope is complete, but is the project early, late, or on time? In 2003 Walter Lipke introduced Earned Schedule as a means of quantifying schedule performa Download
Worker Safety EM-5.22 Lessons Learned Bulletin Vehicular Safety DOE personnel drive to and from work, drive on sites, and operate a wide variety of vehicle types. In the last two months, vehicle accidents on or near DOE sites have caused fatalities to three DOE employees. Vehicular safety is extremely important so that DOE employees remain safe, and department property and facilities are protected. This bulletin will provide a few examples of vehicular incidents that have occurred on DOE sites, and then some lessons learned that all of us should consider whe Download
Project Management EM-5.22 Lessons Learned Bulletin Washington DC Metro Silver Line Material and Quality Control Issues There are probably few, if any, large construction projects that have not been plagued with material issues. The DOE’s capital asset construction projects, along with large commercial construction projects like the expansion of the Washington DC subway system, are no different. As long as these projects follow best practices in quality assurance and quality control, the risk of issues can be minimized or issues that do arise can be found early and their impact can be limited. Download
Project Management DOE EM Office of Project Management (EM-5.2.2) Washington Metropolitan Area Transit Authority (WMATA) SafeTrack Project December 2017 - A number of well publicized accidents involving the Washington Metrorail system occurred in the decade leading up to 2016. WMATA responded by implementing the SafeTrack project in May 2016. This project was a large-scale rehabilitation of the track system and other safety systems used in the nation’s second busiest metro subway system. There were numerous lessons learned generated from the execution of the SafeTrack project. Many of these, including proper front end planning, are Download

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