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Picture & Video Library > Help
The video/picture library allows users to browse and search through the stored videos and pictures by entering the desired search criteria into the search field. The results will provide a list of videos and pictures that meet the search criteria. Simply click on the title of the desired video or picture from the search results and it will open.
The video/picture library also allows users to upload D&D related videos and pictures to the D&D KM-IT system, including technologies, demonstrations, and past and present D&D projects. These videos and pictures will go through a custom approval process before being made available on the D&D KM-IT system. The user will need to install specific software and drivers in order to download or view the pictures/videos on their computers or PDAs.
The video/picture library provides a central location for D&D technology and demonstration videos/pictures as well as pictures and videos of past and present D&D projects
The video/picture library can support .JPG, .PNG, or .GIF formats as well as common video formats like .MOV, .MP4, or .AVI formats.
Registered D&D community members are encouraged contribute to this digital library of videos and pictures. Use the video/picture library module to upload the videos and pictures related to the different D&D areas. These uploaded videos and pictures will go through a custom approval process and, once approved, they will be published on the D&D KM-IT and can be viewed by the community members. The user uploading the video/picture will be responsible for the content and should adhere to the DOE and their organization’s guidelines for sensitivity and information release issues before submitting the video or pictures. D&D KM-IT will follow the formal approval process but does not take responsibility for the correctness and sensitivity and other release process required for the publishing the videos and pictures and this responsibility rests entirely with the user uploading the videos or photographs. The KM-IT administrator reserves the right to remove material found to be contrary to established criteria.
Pictures and Video introductory video
Searching for Pictures and Videos
Pictures and Videos Upload
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