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RESRAD (Onsite), RESRAD-BUILD, and RESRAD-Probabilistic

This four-day training workshop provides technical personnel and managers with an overview, history, calculation methodology, input parameter requirements, and application of the RESRAD (onsite), RESRAD-BUILD codes, and Probabilistic analysis. RESRAD-BUILD evaluates indoor building contamination. Both deterministic and probabilistic dose analysis techniques and special features such as sensitivity analysis as well as code verification and validation will be discussed. Interactive computer demonstrations guide the participants through data input and output steps. Instructor support helps the students complete the hands-on problem solving sessions throughout the workshop. Training materials include presentation handouts, user's manual, benchmarking report, and problem workbook. All participants after successful completion of the training course will receive RESRAD (onsite), RESRAD-BUILD, and RESRAD-probabilistic Training Certificates from Argonne.

Cost: $1350


This five-day training workshop provides technical personnel and managers with an overview, history, calculation methodology, input parameter requirements, and application of the RESRAD-OFFSITE and RESRAD-BIOTA codes. RESRAD-OFFSITE code is an extension of the RESRAD (onsite) code. The Gaussian plume air dispersion and groundwater radionuclide transport model will be presented as well as the off-site accumulation of radionuclides in soils and surface water body. RESRAD-BIOTA is used to assess risk from ecosytem contamination. Both deterministic and probabilistic dose analysis techniques and special features such as sensitivity analysis as well as code verification and validation will be discussed. Interactive computer demonstrations guide the participants through data input and output steps. Instructor support helps the students complete the hands-on problem solving sessions throughout the workshop. Training materials include presentation handouts, user's manual, benchmarking report, and problem workbook. All participants after successful completion of the training course will receive RESRAD-OFFSITE and RESRAD-BIOTA Training Certificates from Argonne.

Cost: $1550

Further Information

RESRAD Information

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