Title: Manager, Special Projects
Organization: ANL
Address: Argonne, Illinois
United States, 60439
Discipline: Decomm Professional for 30 Years
Area of Expertise:
Asbestos Removal, Boring and Drilling, Characterization, Chemical Contaminant Cleanup, Computer Modeling, Concrete and Rubblization, Containment, Cutting & Size Reducing, Deactivation Planning, Decontamination, Demolition, Dismantlement, End Points Development, Entombment, Excess Equipment Disposition, Fixatives & Coatings, Gamma Cam Modeling, Grout Fill of Pipes Cells and Basins, Hazardous Material Disposal, HEPA & Special Filtration Systems, High Pressure Cleaning, Manipulators, Mobile Platforms, Open Air Demolition, Orders: others, Personal Protective Equipment, Portable Vacuum Systems, Radiation Controls, Records Control, Regulations - other:, Remote Excavation, Remote Pipe Decon, Robotics & Remote Technology, Sampling, Secondary Waste Minimization, Sensor & Instrumentation, Small Decon &Deployment Platform, Surveillance & Maintenance, System & Equipment Isolation