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Hotline Extended Help

An extended guide for the Hotline module including step-by-step getting started instructions.


TheD&D KM-ITis a web-based  knowledge management information tool custom built for the decontamination and decommissioning (D&D) user community by the Applied Research Center (ARC) at Florida International University (FIU) in collaboration with the Department of Energy (DOE EM20), Energy Facility Contractors Group (EFCOG), and the As Low As is Reasonably Achievable (ALARA) Centers at the Hanford and Savannah River Sites.

D&D KM-IT makes excellent use of the knowledge that exists within the D&D community by  allowing D&D project managers around the DOE complex to share innovative ideas, lessons learned, past experiences, and practices. The system allows interested users to post questions/problems related to D&D and to receive a technical solution from a subject matter specialist (SMS). Both the original question/problem and the provided answer will be posted on the web portal after content review.

Guest users who have not registered and logged-in can search through the entire knowledge management portal and will be able to view all the information published in the system. Users who wish to post a problem need to register and can then immediately access the system. D&D KM-IT can be accessed at the following URL: http://www.dndkm.org or http://dndkm.arc.fiu.edu


In order to register with KM-IT, click on the register  link on the left margin of the homepage (Figure 1).


Figure 1. D&D KM-IT homepage.

This will bring up the user registration page (Figure 2). Fill in all the fields (required) and click the Register and Sign In Now  link at the bottom of the registration page. An e-mail confirmation will be sent to the user after successful registration.


Figure 2. D&D KM-IT user registration.


Once you are a registered user, you can access the KM-IT website. In order to log-in, your e-mail address will be your username and the password will be the one entered during the registration process (Figure 3). If you forget your password, you may click on the Send me password  link located below the log-in feature on the home page. The system will then send your password to the e-mail address provided during registration.

Figure 3. D&D KM-IT log-in feature.

If you want the website to remember your password, click on the check box labeled “Remember Login”. This password feature will only work from the last computer you were using when you logged into the D&D KM-IT website.

Once you have logged into D&D KM-IT, the website will appear as in Figure 4.  To return to this page at any time, click on the Home  link at the top or the bottom of the page. To log-out of D&D KM-IT, click on the Logoff  link.

Figure 4. D&D KM-IT homepage after user log-in.

Contact Us

By clicking on the Contact Us  link at the bottom of the screen, the user can view the contact information for the technical and project contacts (Figure 5).  Users may phone or e-mail any of the contacts for assistance with the D&D KM-IT website.

Figure 5. General contact information for D&D KM-IT.


Click on the Edit Profile  link at the top of the screen to view the user registration information (Figure 6). This will take you to the registration input screen.  Make any changes that you need and click on the Update   link at the bottom of the registration information feature. This will return you to the D&D KM-IT homepage.

Figure 6.  D&D KM-IT user profile.

Browse and Search

To browse the ALARA weekly reports, click on the “ALARA Weekly Reports” icon located in the left margin of the home page.  This will take you to an FTP site where you can select the year (from 2005 through 2008) and then the specific week for the ALARA weekly report of interest.

To browse problems and solutions, click on the links provided near the bottom of the home page for the D&D problem areas: characterization, decontamination , dismantlement and material disposition , or worker safety  . This will take you to the search results page (Figure 7) where you can scan the results for items of interest.

Figure 7.  D&D KM-IT search results.

To search for a specific topic, click on the Search  link at the top of the page. This will take you to the search feature (Figure 8). Choose the appropriate functional category from the drop-down menu or choose “All Categories” to widen your search results. Enter the keyword(s) into the “Search For:” box and enter the maximum number of results you want to view in the “Max # of Hits:” box. Click on the SEARCH  link to execute your search.

Figure 8.  D&D KM-IT search feature.

Click on a link for one of the search results to view the problem information page (Figure 9). This page will summarize the problem description and provide any relevant links and documents related to the problem.  To view the published solution, click on the link provided under “Solution(s) for Posted Problems” on the problem information page.

Figure 9.  D&D KM-IT problem information page.

The solution information page will summarize the solution description and provide links to relevant links and documents related to the solution (Figure 10).

Figure 10.  D&D KM-IT solution information page.

Post a Problem

In order to post a problem to the D&D KM-IT website, a user must be registered and logged-in. Click on the Post Problem  link at the top of the home page.  This will take you to the problem entry form (Figure 11).  Give your problem a title and include as much detail in the description as possible.  This will aid the subject matter specialist in tailoring the solution to your needs.  Choose the functional category from the drop down menu that best describes your problem and choose an associated project, if applicable.  After including any additional comments into the comment field, click on the Save  link at the bottom of the problem entry form. Your problem is not yet posted and will not be processed to receive a solution. 

Figure 11.  D&D KM-IT problem entry form.

Clicking on the Save  link will take you to the Problem Fact Sheet (Figure 12).  To edit your problem description, click on the small pencil near your problem title, make your changes, and click on the Update   link. You can also add links and documents related to your problem from the Problem Fact Sheet page. To add a link, click on Add Link  beside the Problem Link(s) header.  This will take you to a link input page (Figure 13). Add a title, description, and URL for the link you wish to include with your problem submittal. Repeat this process for each link you want to add.

Similarly, to add a document, click on Add Document beside the Problem Document(s) header. This will take you to a document input page (Figure 14). Choose a category from the drop down menu, add a title and description for the document, and use the “Browse” button to provide the location of the document.  Finally, click the “Upload File” button to add the document to your problem fact sheet.  Repeat this process for each document you want to add.  Documents can include relevant reports, photographs, data sheets, or videos.

Your problem is not yet posted and will not be processed to receive a solution. 

In order to submit your problem to the subject matter specialist, you must click on the Submit to SMS  link at the top of the problem fact sheet page. Once you have submitted a problem, you may no longer edit the problem description or add links and documents. You may check on its progress by logging onto the D&D KM-IT website, click on the Search  link to take you to the search feature, choose the “My Problems” button immediate under the Search title, and click on the SEARCH  link. The results will include all problems that you have submitted along with a notation of its status.

 Figure 12.  D&D KM-IT problem fact sheet.

Figure 13.  D&D KM-IT problem link input page.

Figure 14.  D&D KM-IT problem document input page.

Problem Status and Workflow

Problem/solution workflow will be managed by the D&D KM-IT internal status management system. The problem/solution will move through different stages inside the system. Once the problem is posted to the system by the registered user, the SMS will review and make changes to the problem, if needed. The SMS will be responsible for providing solutions to the problem. Once the SMS provides a solution to the problem, it will move to the content coordinator. The content coordinator will review the content of problem and all the solutions provided for the problem. If the content coordinator rejects the problem and solution, it will revert back to the SMS with the content coordinator’s comments. The SMS will review the comments and make the necessary changes to the solution and again submit it for the content coordinator‘s approval. Once approved by the content coordinator, the problem, along with all of its solutions, will be published on the D&D KM-IT system and will be available for viewing by all users. The complete workflow detailed above will be managed by the D&D KM-IT system.


Knowledge:   Knowledge is defined as expertise and skills acquired by a person through experience or education; the theoretical or practical understanding of a subject.

Knowledge Management:  Knowledge management is a management process which defines the way in which knowledge is created, used and shared within the organization.

Web Portal:  A web portal is a web site that functions as a point of access to information on the World Wide Web or Internet. Portals present information from diverse sources in a unified way. Portals provide a way for enterprises to provide a consistent look and feel with access control and procedures for multiple applications, which otherwise would have been different entities altogether.

Subject Matter Specialist (SMS):  A subject matter specialist is one who is an expert in his/her field of study. He/she has extensive knowledge and experience acquired over the years and can help the D&D community with his/her expertise.

Content Coordinator (CC):  A content coordinator is responsible for reviewing the content submitted by the subject matter specialist. He/she will follow the guidelines provided by DOE during the review process. He/She will publish the content over the web so that it can be available and accessible to the D&D community.

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